We celebrate today the Peñin Guide 2016 scores which have been recently published. We are very pleased with the results and we would like to share them with you: All of our wines have been selected for this relevant guide. 97 Points: Viña El Pisón 2013 96 Points: ARTADI El Carretil 2013 95 Points: ARTADI…

Bodegas y Viñedos El Sequé, part of the well-known winery ARTADI, has been given the highest score within the DO Alicante with its main wine EL SEQUE. It has achieved 95 points with the vintage 2013 which is currently available in the market. Guía Peñín, one of the most important wine guides in our country…

Ya son muchos los entusiastas de la comida japonesa. Ante estos nuevos platos que vinos podemos elegir? Aquí nuestra selección. ¿Se os ocurre alguna otra opción? Compártela! Comencemos por el conocido Sushi: El sushi significa pequeños bocados de pescados muy diversos que pueden maridar con vinos muy diversos también. Si lo que quieres es disfrutar…

Bodegas y Viñedos El Sequé, perteneciente a la reputada bodega ARTADI, se coloca entre las puntuaciones más altas con su vino emblema EL SEQUÉ que consigue 93+ con la añada 2013 el cual ya está disponible en el mercado. Más de 200 referencias se presentaron a Luis Gutiérrez, catador de la prestigiosa publicación americana The…

Each year, in our young wine we introduce a touch of color and symbolism brought from our trips around the world. This year we have discovered India. We have found out about Hindu culture and traditions and we bring you this elephant as the result. According to Hindu tradition, elephants symbolise new beginnings and the…

Few days ago, our Vineyard Foreman told us about “The Wait” before the harvest. Today, that the harvest is so close, Eduardo Blasco, Vineyard Foreman at ARTAZU, our winery in Navarra, sums up for us this growing season. How it has been this growing season 2014-2015? Eduardo Blasco: Since December 2014, when we started pruning…